Monday, September 25, 2006
Holidays are here..
I am halfway through my two weeks break, but guess where am I at now?
Come on.. GUESS guess !! No, I'm not on holiday. I'm not at the beach, nor am I sitting at a cafe sipping on coffee, relaxing and reading a book. I'd pay good money to be able to do that right now.
Instead I am at the university library!! Trying to rush an assignment which is due on Wednesday! A two thousand word essay on Economic Growth in Africa. With loads of reading materials to go through. I'm so screwed. I only realised that the essay is due this coming Wednesday, only yesterday night! A grand total of two days to read up on reports, plan the essay, and type the thing up. Sigh.. Thank gawd they extended the due date till Wednesday. It was supposed to be handed in on Tuesday, but maybe someone up there likes me so he pulled some strings and wa la.
So back to work.
Friday, September 15, 2006
This is probably the 6th farking time I am typing this!
The damn internet connection keeps disconnecting every 30 minutes!
And it takes another 10 minutes to re-establish a proper and secure connection. I can’t believe I am paying an extra $20 a month for this crappy connection. The whole of yesterday I couldn’t even connect to the internet and got so stressed over it because I had an exam in the morning and most of the notes are online! I had to strain myself to read 300 pages of the textbook instead, for a bloody multiple choice question exam.
*eyes bulge*
If I had connection to the internet I could have just read off the concise and simple slide notes, but NOOOoooo. Internet was ‘down’. I wasn’t crazy enough to walk into university at 2am in the morning to feed off the free wireless connection. No way, not safe and, I’d look like a lunatic. Maybe the service was down?
Or maybe there is something wrong with the landlord’s router/modem?
Or maybe the other roommates are downloading loads of stuff?
Or maybe the landlord had to reset the modem to get a better connection?
Or maybe there is really something wrong with the broadband supplier?
There are hundreds of possibilities to consider, but I think it is just the landlord’s ignorance. Whenever I get impatient I go up to his room to find out what is happening, ask him if he knows what is happening to the connection, but he always gives me that fucked up surprised expression and blurts “Oh? I check I check.”
Oh… my… gawd…
The internet connection was down for gawd knows how long, I see that his computer is switched on, he must be online as well, and doesn’t he notice it?? Or does this only happen to me? Bloody hell! I go complain to him about the internet almost constantly, sometimes I do it at least once a day, doesn’t he get annoyed? Heck, even I am annoyed at myself.
Usually after a few seconds after complaining, internet connection is back on again, running smoothly, for another few hours, two, maybe four.
*pause* Damn it! Everything stops.
It seems like the only thing I talk about is internet internet internet. Geez, the amount of times I go up to knock on his door to complain is a good indication that there is something wrong with the service and he should at least look into it or better, change provider! Why doesn’t he get the message? Oh wait, I forgot. He is a useless son0fabitch.
No matter how many times I complain, he doesn’t do a thing. It is like I am complaining to a brick wall. And when I question the girlfriend, she too gives me that blank, stupid expression, and tells me that she herself has no idea. Great. The perfect couple. The both of them are utterly stupid and useless. Only thing they seem to be good at is quarrel.
They just had a row in the bathroom. Yes! Both of them! In the bathroom! They were shouting at each other for a good 30 minutes, locked in the bathroom. What the heck were they doing fighting in the bathroom anyway? I was busy minding my own business listening to music while the Indian couple were watching down in the hall. I just got up to take a bottle of water from the kitchen and then heard very loud shouting coming from somewhere. At first I thought it was the next-door neighbours. It was that loud. Then the housemates told me that it was the landlord and his girlfriend. I was surprised.
This was the first time I’ve heard them go at each other like this. It used to be civilised. This seemed to sound as if they were about to start punching and get physical. Man, if I were one of the persons in that quarrel, I’d already be punching and hitting. It was that bad. And I was told that it had been going on for a good 30 minutes already. I was actually getting worried that it might end badly. It was like one of those movie scenes where you see a married couple quarrelling and fighting about something, and then someone often gets killed in the process. Laugh out loud.
Anyway, it ended soon enough and the night was quite again. Indian couple finally retired to bed, and I went back to surfing the net, only to find that my internet connection had been disconnected again. So here I am, typing in Microsoft Word. Praying and hoping that the internet comes back on again. This is the seventh time I got disconnected within 3 hours. This time it is taking more than just 10 minutes. 40 minutes and counting…
GREAT! Two fucking hours and the internet is still not back on! I have waited long enough and am now going to bed! I will probably post this up later in the day. Hopefully the connection frees up by then. If not I will definitely have that talk with the landlord. I’m not paying no fucking fees for this shit. He can stuff it up his arse for all I care.
This is too much.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I dont understand some people
I know, I know.
You probably don't want to hear anything else about them,
but ... but ...
I just can't help it!!
They are starting to get on my nerves!
I know, you guys are still young, your sex drives are at its peak(well, of course they are, you are in your mid-late twenties, or maybe early thirties?), you guys just want to get it on as MANY times as you possibly can
BUT GUYS!! Could you please do it in the privacy of your own room??! For gawd sakes I'm not deaf! I can hear you go bump from where I am sitting right now! At the back of the house, where I am desperately trying to concentrate on my work!
Gosh, even the television isn't helping, you guys can still be heard! Incase you are wondering, they are at it right at this very moment. That is why I am typing this post. They are in the living room, on the coach, under a blanket, in front of the box, watching a hindi movie, with the lights switched off. *rolls eyes*
I can hear her moans, and I can hear his grunts. Even with the hindi movie still running I can still hear them. It is definitely not a bj, or a md. It is the full-on. You'd know how it sounds like. *ahem* It is horrible I tell you. I am thinking of just walking out to the kitchen, switch on the lights and act as if I am getting some supper, and disrupt their little activity, or maybe just to shock them and see how they react/cover. It might be very entertaining to see.
Damn, too late. It seems the guy has finished. A little too early I think. It barely started a few minutes ago. I'm totally disappointed. He didn't even last 10 minutes. Pfft.. How do I know, you ask? I heard it. The climax. And why do I think it happened? I heard that last whimper, and suddenly everything went quiet, and because the guy just went up to the bathroom. I can hear the shower and tap running. Too short for a shower. He must be washing up. Gawd, use a towel why don't cha? Or use the blanket you guys use for cover. You're making it look so obvious that you just had a spill. *rolls eyes*
What a totally wasted opportunity! I was thinking of surprising them just now, and it would be right at the time that he was about to cum! That would be sooooo, wicked! And it probably would have taught them a lesson. Sigh. Darnit.
OK, change of topic. I just realised that I have got young eyes reading this blog. Wait, I correct myself. Innocent eyes. *grins*
I just got back from the cinemas. Watched SILENT HILL and LADY IN THE WATER. Back to back mind you. I preferred Lady in the water. It had much more of a story compared to Silent Hill. Of course it was. M Night Shyamalan y'll! I totally dig his movies. Yet another totally original story. You guys should go watch it!
Alright, back to work now. Peace and quiet. Or maybe some porn! That would be good!
No no, none of that. Just thinking about them or worse, imagining them at it just gives me the shivers. I can feel my hair stand on ends. *puke*
Work it is. And no! To those who know me, I swear that I am not up to no good. I swear that I am just hitting the books, nothing else. Peace and out.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I hate it
It has been raining for days now, and I am still waiting for my clothes to dry.
And worse, I've still got a whole load of clothes now waiting to be washed and dried. Due to the awful rain, I often arrive home wet. It rains when you don't want it to, and stops for only 1 or two hours in between. It always stops when I leave the house, but continues to pour when I'm out, whether I am at university, or just hanging around the shopping centre. I can never escape it.
It is now 3 a.m. in the morning, I just got my MSN messenger to work, thanks to the infamous Buttshak3r. I'm just joking about the infamous bit, but he is the Buttshak3r. I still don't have a clue as to where he got that nickname from. It took me ages to figure out why MSN was acting the way it was, and had totally given up. I hadn't the opportunity to surf online for a fix, as my internet connection was ALSO acting up and it took me the whole damn day waiting for the connection to speed up. All this I give credit to my utterly useless landlord. Crappy service.
Oh and by the way, today was the first time I witnessed my housemates quarrel. Not between the couples, but between each other. The landlord's girlfriend had made a big fuss about duties this week and the last. The indian couple were on duty during those weeks and she wasn't too happy about the work. I tell you, the landlord's girlfriend is crazy. She keeps on insisting that the toilet isn't clean. For gawd sakes woman! You only specified that we need clean the toilet once a week, and of course after a few days there would be strands of hair on the floor. Not mine mind you, I don't use that bathroom anyway (I've got my own personal one). So the indian couple became the only victims. They had a row I tell you. It was the first time she totally blew her top at the housemates, usually the boyfriend gets it.
Maybe she just totally lost it because she had lost her mobile the other day. She claims that she left it on the stairs leading to the first floor and now she can't find it. OMG woman! Who leaves their mobile on the flight of stairs anyway?! I can totally understand if you left it on the coach, or the kitchen counter, or the dining table, or maybe on the television, but the stairs?? She obviously couldn't hold me accountable because I live on the first floor. There was no reason for me to use the stairs to get up to the second floor anyway. Just so you know, I didn't take/steal her mobile, though I wish that I had. I could maybe sell it and get back the cash I dropped the other day. Wouldn't that be awesome? Gosh, it is late. I don't have the mood to edit/correct mistakes so I'm just going to post this entry up and pray that I hadn't made any errors.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Lock yourself in, away from the trouble, away from the evil world.
Have you ever woken up, and just felt awful? You wake to the pitter patter of rain against your window. Great. It is still raining. You hurry to get dressed and prepare for classes. There isn't enough time to have breakfast, let alone prepare something for lunch. You think of getting brunch in between classes, and you are out the door. The rain has subsided a little bit. You don't bother using an umbrella, and dash to uni.
You've got a two hour lecture, a tutorial, and another lecture to finish off the day. With no breaks in between. Just perfect, at least you've got more time to snooze the night away before tackling the books. So you attend the two hour lecture, hoping that the lecturer finishes early so that you may have some time to get something to eat in between. But no, he decides to use up every single second he has with you. Probably trying to cram everything in before we all go on our two weeks break. For most of us, we will be using up half that break working, and then the remainder travelling, catching up with studies, or just taking a breather from all the studying. Something a student looks forward to after all the rushing to meet assignment deadlines and cramming for mid-semester exams. I am definitely looking forward to it.
So the lecture ends. No time to waste. You dash to the cafeteria, you decide to get a sandwich. You open your wallet, great. Empty. Another minute wasted there and then. You rush to the automated teller machine. There is a line. Why must there always be a line whenever you need to rush? You wait impatiently for your turn. You battle with your conscience about how much money to withdraw in order to sustain yourself for the week. You remember that you have collected some money previously which belongs to the club which you belong to, and will be meeting up with them later. So you decide to take that out and at the same time free yourself of any other obligations. You look at your watch, your five minute window is almost up. There isn't enought time to get lunch now. You curse quietly at the people in front of you messing about at the ATM. It is finally your turn. You key in $---. As you are waiting to receive the cash, the rain gets heavier. Damn, not only will you not be getting any lunch for yourself, the rain just got heavier and your class is at the other end of the campus. The cash 'gushes' out, you count them, stash it into your pocket, and dash to class. You avoid puddles, and the endless jungle of umbrella claded students. All transitioning between classes.
You reach the class in time, but hadn't any food, and got wet in the process. Sigh. You take a seat and hope that the day takes a turn for the better. What else could go wrong? You've just survived the nightmare.
After another two hours of classes, you're finally done for the day. You go to the gym for training and probably a good game on the courts. You head for the lockers, change into gym attire. Then THE WORST happens.
You're thinking 'what possible worse situation' could I get myself into?
What could make the above described day sound like nothing more than a small price to pay for a better day? Well, you're wrong. My string of bad luck just refused to give in.
I checked my pockets, only to find that the cash I just withdrew earlier in the day, had disappeared. *smacks self* Blardy awesome isn't it? Just when you think that your luck is starting to turn. You find yourself in a much deeper hole. You feel like screaming. You retrace your steps, but find nothing. No luck. To even think about the possibility is insane. You are in the middle of university. Thousands of students walk about the place. You just have to accept defeat and suck it all in. You may have dropped it while rushing in between classes, in the middle of the rain.
It would be a wasted effort if you were to try seaching for it now, but you try anyway. Hoping that luck may still turn. After a few rounds, you give up. You accept. I was foolish for not taking extra precautions, or being more careful, but what can I say? It was one of those days. You fall, you get up, you learn. And pray blardy hard that you NEVER make the same mistake again.
I now think back to what I said about students using half their break to work and then take a breather for travelling or just lazing about. I now think I have to work both weeks away. Sigh. I totally regret what happened today. I totally detest myself for it. I lost something. Something I've never done before.
But don't worry. I am fine. I have decided to make this a lesson learnt. Swearing to myself to never make this kind of mistake again. I just have to work my way out of this mess. Something I am totally capable of accomplishing. I just needed to rant about it. Let it out. If not I'd go crazy and beat myself up about it for weeks, months. I need to refocus myself.
I now look forward to finding a good paying job to help me get back on track. I hope I find one soon though. Because the place where I am working at now pays me in peanuts. And they don't give me enough work to begin with. Sigh. What a day, what a day.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Long overdue
I will post up some photos of what I have been doing during the past few months. Yes, months. That is why I said that it was loooooong overdue.
Here are some pictures of Eastern University Games held in Coffs Harbour back in July.

Our Captain.. Hail the AMERICAN!

He was our Captain in 2005.
Awesome dude.

Thomas also hails from Germany.

Guess where is he from?
*rolls eyes*
He was our setter.

Here we have Rita and Thomas. Party animal. Purrr...

Jake, Rita and Faus. Another hottie on the womens team.

Evelyn and Kat.
Evelyn is from Switzerland.
Kat is Australian.
Gawd. It took me about an hour to upload these pictures. *rolls eyes*
I have been getting really bad internet connection here at my new place. My landlord gives us crappy service. I will try to update when I've got better connection.
Over and out!
More pics here!!

Here we are on the bus headed out to the party.
Rita, Evelyn, Faus and Alide.

Just a random pic of Bernie muckin around.

Rita here. Party girl looks tired, no?

Sign me sign me! Asks some random girl. Alide kindly obliges. I would say that there wasn't enough exposed skin to go around. She was pretty much covered up.

After a nights out partying, most of the team came home to this. Yes, he claims that he was sick and so hadn't partied much. I think it was more of the breakup, but shouldn't he be partying then? Get himself a rebound? I had no idea.

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Couple Fights
One thing I cannot stand, is couple fights. They get rowdy, fierce, and the shouting and quarrelling often gets out of hand. That is what I have to endure when the landlord comes over for dinner or for the night. I see it so often that I sometimes think to myself why the hell is this couple still, a couple. They get under each other's skin as often as a person changes his or her underwear. And I mean a normal person. Not one of those weird ones you meet who only change them once every few days. Eu..
Okay back to the plot. To make things worse, you all know how they are like when they speak. Loud LOUD loud LOUD. Even a normal conversation sounds like they are about to eat each other up. So imagine when they are REALLY fighting. Yeah exactly, much worse.
They only just started a row with each other, over cooking dinner. Can you believe it? The moment they came in through the front door, sat down in front of the television, prepared the ingredients to cook dinner, and started boiling the water, they are already at each other's throats. Obviously the prospect of being in the same room together made them feel like smacking each other. I cannot, believe this. Even before dinner. What, Dah, Fark?
They have just entered their room. Both being stubborn and not wanting to admit fault. They will probably eat dinner quietly and not pay attention to each other. The guy probably wouldn't apologise and there definitely wouldn't be any 'after fight sex'. Nah, impossible. This guy? No way. After observing the guy for nearly two months now, I can confidently vouch that this guy is a total pussy. A total pushover. And the girl? Total biacth. Well, that is what everyone else in the house think anyway. The Indian couple and the Hongkie girl made their opinions of her perfectly clear to me only after two weeks of living here. What a way to meet new housemates.
Ok, now the chinese couple are having dinner. And I was totally wrong about my prediction about them having a quiet meal together. They obviously haven't settled whatever they were fighting about before dinner, and now have begun quarrelling all over again. Great. And she seems to be winning the battle because she seems to be the loudest between the two and she seems to be the one doing all the talking. While boyfriend sits there with his head down staring at his plate. Definitely no sex tonight. Not like he ever has any anyway. I would know.
But if Indian couple were to fight over something during the night. There would definitely be after quarrel sex. THIS, I know.